Get out the vote on state-wide ballot measures

NCJW Staff

Get out the vote on state-wide ballot measures

November 2, 2018

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm



Get out the vote on state-wide ballot measures

The women’s vote is expected to be a huge factor in the November election! Women have outvoted men since 1964 and we vote in much higher numbers, especially during midterm elections. As NCJW members, we pride ourselves on being informed and involved. Help us get out the vote and provide info about two of the state-wide ballot measures on the November ballot!




Join us for a fun and festive phone party!

  • Friday, November 2nd, 12:00-4:00 pm
  • Sunday, November 4th, 12:00-4:00 pm
  • Sunday, November 4th, 4:00-8:00 phone

Bring your cell phone; we’ll provide the information you need, a script, and snacks!

Sign Up Now!

Can’t join us at a party? You can still help! Starting October 22nd, we will need volunteers to call fellow members about voting and the ballot measures. (We have a large, impressive membership!) We can give you the information, script, and lists of members to call – for you to do from wherever you want at whatever time you want.

Contact Heather Silverman or 314-993-5181 to get started!

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