5 Ways to Advocate – March 24, 2025
Why We Do This Work
Education + Advocacy + Community Impact = Lasting Transformative Changes in the Lives of Women, Children, and Families
Community Impact
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From our regularly scheduled events, to featured events and programs, there is always a way to get involved and engaged with NCJWSTL!
Who We Are
Community Impact
Membership + Leadership
From our regularly scheduled events, to featured events and programs, there is always a way to get involved and engaged with NCJWSTL!
From our regularly scheduled events, to featured events and programs, there is always a way to get involved and engaged with NCJWSTL!
NCJWSTL spearheads a coalition that aims to keep our courts fair and balanced. We know that the judicial branch of government is critical to the issues we care about and that it is important that we have fair and impartial judges. The coalition is interested in both maintaining the Missouri Court Plan as well as ensuring that federal vacancies are filled with fair minded constatutionalists.
For more information contact Heather Silverman at hsilverman@ncjwstl.org.
We have a large committee that works in many ways to combat human trafficking, focusing on community education and legislative advocacy. Activities include a speaker’s bureau that goes to other organizations, meeting with elected officials about policy change, as well as educating the Jewish community through our Passover Project.
For more information contact Heather Silverman at hsilverman@ncjwstl.org.
Do you want to have information sent to your inbox each week about what you can do to advocate on behalf of women, children, and families this week?
Sign up for our weekly “5 Ways to Advocate” email. Email Jen Bernstein at jbernstein@ncjwstl.org to get signed up for the 5 Ways to Advocate emails.
The statewide Right to Read Coalition supports Missouri’s libraries to remain an open, accessible resource for books and other materials available free-of-charge to the public.
One-session hands-on class on using Facebook and Twitter to spread our advocacy message to your friends and family.
To attend a Social Action on Social Media session or to schedule a session email Heather Silverman at hsilverman@ncjwstl.org.
Taught by a Missouri lobbyist, the one-session class will teach you the most effective ways to contact a legislator and how to craft your message to maximize its effectiveness. Especially helpful before joining NCJWSTL for one of our many Lobby Days in the state capital.
To attend a How to Lobby the Legislature class or to schedule a class email Heather Silverman at hsilverman@ncjwstl.org.
Tips for writing letters to the editor of any publication, as well as full-length opinion pieces, to convey an effective message and maximize the chances of publication.
To receive tip on writing letters to the editor email Heather Silverman at hsilverman@ncjwstl.org.
Join NCJWSTL colleagues to visit the capital and speak with legislators in support of (or opposition to) measures that impact your advocacy interests. We make several trips to Jefferson City during the legislative session (January thru May).
For more information on Lobby Days email Heather Silverman at hsilverman@ncjwstl.org.
NCJWSTL issues impact our community. A-List sponsorship ads are part of our efforts to educate the community and elected officials about issues integral to our mission.