The Citizen Initiative Petition

Brooke Wallace

The Citizen Initiative Petition

February 16, 2022

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Missouri’s initiative petition system has been in place for 115 years. It allows citizens to put an issue on the ballot for a statewide vote. This critical tool, used through the years by citizens from all political persuasions is now under attack by lawmakers who want to curtail the people’s power.

NCJWSTL is excited to co-sponsor an informative panel with Rabbi Andrea Goldstein of Congregation Shaare Emeth and Richard Von Glahn of Missouri Jobs With Justice. They will discuss what you need to do to fight back against various legislative efforts to derail our rights as voters.

promotional graphic for February 2022 Zoom event "The Citizen Initiative Petition" with headshots of Rabbi Andrea Goldstein and Richard von Glahn