Coffee Talk with SnL
November 22, 2022
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Have you ever had nagging questions about your home or condo and didn’t know who to ask without paying for a service call or consultation? Such as:
- Why is my house uncomfortable in the winter or summer?
- Should I install solar panels on my house?
- What should I consider when I replace my heating and cooling system?
- How does my home contribute to climate change and how do I go about changing that?
We thought it would be fun to provide a Coffee Talk that would give you an expert who could offer answers in a clear and concise way. Howard Katzman has been in the construction industry for over 40 years in metro Atlanta. For 20+ years, he owned and managed a custom home renovation firm and since has been on the consulting side, helping homeowners and builders make homes more comfortable and energy efficient and improving indoor air quality. Howard loves to problem solve and is frequently called in to solve quirky situations homeowners experience.
We look forward to a lively discussion and a new topic for Coffee Talk! When you register for Coffee Talk, you will have an opportunity to share a question or questions you would like answered. Howard is based in Atlanta and will join us by Zoom and yes, he happens to be Susan’s brother.