Advocacy in Action Lunch and Learn
October 18, 2018
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Bathroom Bills, Proper Pronouns and More
If you thought marriage equality signaled the end of our work on LGBTQ issues — think again. Awareness is expanding about gender fluidity, gender reassignment and non-binary gender identities — raising a host of new issues. Elizabeth Fuchs from PROMO and Allegra Clement-Bayard from TransParent (the STLbased support organization, not the TV show) will get us up to speed on both the personal and the policies involved in dealing gracefully with this new (for many of us, at least) view of human sexual identity.
Drinks are provided, please bring your lunch. There is not cost to attend.
RSVP requested but not required. Please RSVP to Lorie at or 314-993-5181